CMS-Flow:Hydro Eqs

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Governing Equations

The depth-averaged 2-D continuity equation may be written as


where is the total water depth , is the water surface elevation, is the still water depth, is the depth-averaged current velocity, is a source term due to precipitation and evaporation, and is the divergence operator.

The momentum equation can be written as


where is the gravitational constant, where is the Coriolis parameter, is the eddy viscosity, is the wind stress, is the wave stresses, and is the combined wave-current mean bed shear stress.

Numerical Methods

General Transport Equation: Discretization

All of the governing equations may be written in general form


where is a general scalar, is time, is the total water depth, is the depth averaged current velocity, is the diffusion coefficient for , is the gradient operator, and includes all other terms. Note that in the case of the continuity and momentum equations is equal to 1 and respectively.

Temporal Term

The temporal term of the momentum equations is discretized using a first order implicit Euler scheme


where is the cell area, and is the hydrodynamic time step.

Advection Term

The advection scheme obtained using the divergence theorem as where is the outward unit normal on cell face f, is the cell face length and is the total water depth linearly interpolated to the cell face. Here the overbar indicates a cell face interpolation operator described in the following section. For Cartesian grids the cell face unit vector is always aligned with one of the Cartesian coordinates which simplifies the calculation. Defining the cell face normal velocity as the above equation simplifies to


where is the outward unit normal on cell face f, is the cell face length and is the total water depth linearly interpolated to the cell face. Here the overbar indicates a cell face interpolation operator described in the following section. For Cartesian grids the cell face unit vector is always aligned with one of the Cartesian coordinates which simplifies the calculation. Defining the cell face normal velocity as the above equation simplifies to


where , , with being the basis vector. is equal to 1 for West and South faces and equal to -1 for North and East cell faces. Lastly, is the advective value of on cell face f, and is calculated using either the Hybrid, Exponential, HLPA (Zhu 1991) schemes. The cell face velocities are calculated using the momentum interpolation method of Rhie and Chow (1983) described in the subsequent section.

Cell-face interpolation operator

The general formula for estimating the cell-face value of is given by


where is a linear interpolation factor given by and is the gradient operator in the direction parallel to face f. By definition . Note that for neighboring cells without any refinement <math< {{x}_{\parallel ,O}}-{{x}_{\parallel ,P}} </math> and are zero and thus the above equation is consistent with non-refined cell faces.

Diffusion term

The diffusion term is discretized in general form using the divergence theorem


The discritization of the cell-face gradient is described in the next section. On a Cartesian grid the above expression may be further simplified as


where is gradient in the direction perpendicular to the cell face and .

Cell-centered node-based gradient operator

Cell-centered face-based gradient operator

Cell-face gradient operator

Source terms

Hydrodynamic Solver

Symbol Description Units
Time sec
Total water depth m
Still water depth m
Water surface elevation with respect to the still water elevation m
Current velocity in the jth direction m/sec
Sum of Precipitation and evaporation per unit area m/sec
Gravitational constant m/sec2
Water density kg/m3
Atmospheric pressure Pa
Turbulent eddy viscosity m2/sec

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