Profile Feature Extraction: Step 3b - Calculate CERI with Specified Waves and Elevation

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A screenshot of a step of the Profile Feature Extraction Toolbox, Step 3b, Calculate CERI with Specified Wave and Elevation. All inputs are blank and are mentioned below in the report.
Figure 15. Step 3b. Calculate CERI with Specified Wave and Elevation Geoprocessing Window. Red asterisks indicate required values.

Summary: This step uses feature characteristics from generated CERI tables along with user-specified values for wave and water levels to calculate CERI. This step does not leverage the WIS and NOAA station lookup tables as the necessary values are specified by the user. Similar to the previous step, it appends the CERI table generated in Step 2a or Step 2b. There is no feature class output in this step.

Transects: Transect feature class generated in previous steps

CERI Factors: The CERI table created in previous steps, output will be appended to the table.

Significant Wave Height in Meters: The user-specified value for the significant wave height with units of meters.

Wave Period in Seconds: The user-specified value for the wave period with units of seconds.

Wave Return Period: A user-defined integer wave return period from 1 to 100 years.

Extreme Water Level in Meters: The user-specified value for the extreme water level with units of meters.

Extreme Water Level Return Period: A user-defined integer water level return period between 1 and 100 years.

Foredune Erosion Model: The foredune erosion model that will be used during CERI calculation. Options include KD93 (Kriebel and Dean 1993) and K99 (Komar et al. 1999) foredune erosion models.

Weight of PE, VD, PW, CF, WR Factor: The custom weighting factors for CERI factors, if desired. The default CERI calculation weights each factor of CERI equally and will calculate as such if left blank.

Best Practices:

1. For this step, the return period values user specified and are recorded in the appended field names as before, but as the user-provided values are being leveraged in lieu of the lookup tables, the values specified do not affect the actual calculation. The user should input wave and wind return periods that approximate the conditions selected.