CMS-Flow:Wind Pressure

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In CMS-Flow the wind shear stress is calculated as


The wind drag coefficient is calculated using the Hsu (1988)


For measurements of wind speed made at heights other than 10 m, an approximation of the 10-m wind speed is (Shore Protection Manual 1984)

Symbol Description Units
Wind shear stress Pa
Atmospheric density (~1.2 kg/m^3) kg/m^3
Wind drag coefficient none
10-min averaged wind speed at 10 m above the sea surface m/sec
Wind direction m/sec


Hsu, S.A. (1988) Coastal meteorology. Academic Press, San Diego, CA.

Shore Protection Manual (1984) 4th ed., 2nd Vol, U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC.

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