Profile Feature Extraction: References

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Dong, Zhifei, Nicole Elko, Quin Robertson, and Julie Rosati. 2018. “Quantifying Beach and Dune Resilience Using the Coastal Resilience Index.” Coastal Engineering Proceedings, no. 36 (December), 30.

Dong, Zhifei, Nicole Elko, William Robertson, and Julie Dean Rosati. 2019. “Application of The Coastal Resilience Index to Beach and Dune Systems in Florida and Texas.” In Coastal Sediments 2019, 296–305. Tampa/St. Petersburg, Florida, USA: WORLD SCIENTIFIC.

Komar, Paul D, WG McDougal, JJ Marra, and P Ruggiero. 1999. “The Rational Analysis of Setback Distances: Applications to the Oregon Coast.” Shore and Beach 67:41–49.

Kriebel, David L., and Robert G. Dean. 1993. “Convolution Method for Time‐Dependent Beach‐Profile Response.” Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering 119 (2): 204–26.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 2024. “National Data Bouy Center.”

Shawler, Justin, Charlene Sylvester, Scott Spurgeon, Ashley Elkins, and Aleksandra Ostojic. In Review. “Multi-Temporal Geomorphic Resilience of the Mississippi Mainland Beaches and Dunes.” ERDC/CHL TR.

Spurgeon, Scott, Brian McFall, Stephanie Patch, and Jennifer Wozencraft. 2023. “Application of Coastal Resilience Metrics at Panama City Beach, Florida.” Journal  of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, July.

Stockdon, Hilary F., Rob A. Holman, Peter A. Howd, and Asbury H. Sallenger. 2006. “Empirical Parameterization of Setup, Swash, and Runup.” Coastal Engineering 53 (7): 573–88.

United States Army Corps of Engineers. 2024. “Wave Information Studies.”

Sylvester, Charlene, Scott Spurgeon, Sean McGill, and Lauren Dunkin. 2023. “Geomorphic Feature Extraction to Support the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative’s Sediment Budget and Geomorphic Vulnerability Index for Lake Michigan.” Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.).

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