CMS/Hard Bottom

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There are a couple of ways to provide hard bottom dataset information for a CMS-Flow grid.

All versions of SMS

A capability to manually edit the hard bottom dataset exists. The user can make the Hard Bottom dataset active and then select a cell (or group of cells), then changing the scalar (S) value in the Edit Window.

Sometimes, the user may wish to make decisions for hard bottom values for larger groups of cells. Hand editing (as mentioned above) is crude and may allow for a poorly defined hard bottom layer.

SMS 10.x to 11.x

In these versions, there was a user-friendly tool which provided for a couple of specification options. With the Select Grid Cell tool active, make a selection, right click to bring up the tool menu and choose the Specify Hard Bottom... option.

This opened a CMS-Flow Hard Bottom Specification window. The following options were provided in the Hard Bottom Specification window:

  • Use bathymetric cell depth - Sets the cell hard bottom depth to be the cell geometry value thereby creating an exposed non-erodible condition. If multiple cells were selected, then each cell will use its respective bathymetric depth.
  • Specified distance below bathymetric cell depth - Sets the cell hard bottom depth to be the cell geometry value plus the specified distance thereby creating a sediment-covered non-erodible condition. The distance is limited to positive values to ensure the hard bottom depth is greater than the geometry value. The cell can provide sediment for transportation, however, the amount of erosion is limited. If multiple cells were selected, then each cell will use its respective bathymetric depth.
  • Specified depth - Sets the cell hard bottom depth to the specified depth thereby creating a sediment-covered non-erodible condition similar to specified distance. The depth is limited to greater than the geometry value. If multiple cells were selected, then the depth is limited to greater than the largest geometry value and all cells will have the same value.
  • Unspecified - Resets to an inactive hard bottom condition. The cell hard bottom depth is set to the CMS-Flow null value. If multiple cells were selected, then all cells will be reset.

If no cells are selected when opening the Hard Bottom Specification window, then all computational (ocean) cells will be used. If a selection of only non-computational cells, then specification cannot occur. If a selection contains computational and non-computational cells, then the specification will only apply to the computational cells.

If multiple computational cells with differing specifications are selected, the window will not display a selected specification type and the OK button will be disabled. This is to protect the previous specifications from being overwritten by mistake. The OK button will be enabled when an option is selected. The minimum hard bottom depth of the multiple computational cells selected will be displayed in the Depth edit field and the minimum hard bottom depth minus the maximum geometry depth of the multiple computational cells selected will be displayed in the Distance edit field.

SMS 12.0 - SMS 13.3

This added capability and interface enhancement was lost with the release of SMS 12.0 and up through version SMS 13.3. This left the only option for the user to manually manipulate individual (or small groups) of cells at a time.

SMS 13.4+

With the release of SMS 13.4. A new hard bottom coverage and a hard bottom helper tool have been introduced. Guidance for usage is given in the section below.

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