Circular Basin

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Analytical Solution

Dupont (2001) presented an analytical solution for a closed circular domain on an f-plane, with radius , a linear bottom friction, and a spatially variable wind stress equal to , where is the gradient of the wind forcing and is the vertical coordinate. The water surface elevation solution is given by

  Failed to parse (syntax error): {\displaystyle \eta =\left\{ \begin{align} & \frac{W{{r}^{2}}\sin 2\theta }{4gHR}\,\,\,\,\text{for}\,\,\,{{f}_{c}}=0 \\ & \frac{W{{f}_{c}}}{RgH\kappa }\left[ \frac{{{R}^{2}}}{8}+\frac{{{r}^{2}}}{4}\left( \frac{\kappa }{{{f}_{c}}}\sin 2\theta -1 \right) \right]\,\,\,\,\text{for}\,\,\,{{f}_{c}}\ne 0 \\ \end{align} \right } (1)


The model is run to steady state from zero current and water level initial conditions with , , and both , and . Figure 1 shows the computational grid with 5 levels of refinement from 2000 m to 125 m.

Figure 1. Computational grid.


Table 2. Goodness of fit statistics for the water elevation

Statistic Value
RMSE 0.0074 m
RMAE 0.0068
R^2 0.991
Bias 0.0017 m


  • Dupont, F., 2001. Comparison of numerical methods for modelling ocean circulation in basins with irregular coasts. Ph.D. thesis, McGill University, Montreal.

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