CMS-Wave Options File - Format 1

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In this format, the first line must have the card 'CMS_WAVE_STD' as the first thing on line 1. The value for the card must be the integer value 1. Remaining cards can come in any order, but must follow some rules depending on the card (which is shown beginning with a '!' and is the last item on most lines). Column One shows example values.

CMS-Wave Options File - Format 1
Column 1 Column 2 Description Other Information
CMS_WAVE_STD 1 Only row with Card first and value second.
-1 !iprpp Wave propagation type
0 !cur Current Interaction
1 !ibreak Wave Breaking output option
0 !irs Radiation stress and runup options

If n > 0, next line consists of 'n' pairs of values for 'i' and 'j'.
!kout Number of special wave output locations Output spectrum in *.obs and parameters in 'selhts.out'
0 !ibnd Nesting option
0 !iwet Wetting and drying options
4 !ibf Bottom friction option Constant or variable bottom friction using Darcy Weisbach (c_f) or Mannings (n)
0 !iark Forward reflection option
0 !iarkr Backward reflection option
2 !iwvbk Option for the primary wave breaking formula
0 !nonln Nonlinear wave-wave interaction
0 !igrav Infragravity waves option
0 !irunup Runup option
0 !imud Mud dissipation option The kinematic viscosity is specified in mud.dat in units of
0 !iwnd Spatially variable wind field option Winds are specified in 'wind.dat' in units of .
3.000 !akap Diffraction intensity coefficient
0.000 !bf Constant bottom friction coefficient Typical value is 0.005 for c_f and 0.025 for Mannings n
0.500 !ark Constant forward reflection coefficient 0.0 <= [value] <= 1.0
0.300 !arkr Constant backward reflection coefficient 0.0 <= [value] <= 1.0
0 !isolv Matrix solver for CMS-Wave
1 !ixmdf XMDF output options
4 !iproc Number of threads for parallel computing Optimum number is approximately = # rows / 300 (only for isolv == 0)
0 !iview Half- or Full-plane options
0 !iroll 0 - disable Roller
1,2,3,4 - enabled with increasing effectiveness
Valid in the surf zone in cells with resolution <= 10m

If n > 0, next line consists of 'n' pairs of values for 'i' and 'j'. ​
!inest Nesting cell identification

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