CMS Releases

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  1. Extract the OpenMP DLL file from the zip, if needed. Note: you must have the DLL file in the same directory with executable.
  2. If running the CMS from the SMS, change the location and name of the CMS-Flow executable by clicking on "Edit" | "Preferences...", and then selecting the "File Locations" tab and then clicking on the box under the "Executables" column next to "CMS-Flow" box in the "Models" column. Enter the location and name of the executable and select "Open".
  • Note: For security reasons, the CMS executables are available for downloaded in a zip file.

Terms and Licensing

The following files have been updated - 01/08/2024

Latest Version of CMS Releases

CMS 5.3 Update 12 (11/26/2024)

Merged Implict/Explicit CMS version Executables - Note: DLL included in zip file.

  • Released with SMS 13.2. Should work with SMS 13.0+.
  • 64 bit: (Only 64-bit available)
Modifications since initial release of 5.3

Update 5.3.12 (11/07/2024)

  • Added new card to hot start a simulation, 'HOT_START_SIMULATION'.
  • Added error message when either ORIGIN_X/Y card is missing.
  • Fixed an issue where the CMS-Wave .wav file cannot be written to multiple times in some situations.
  • Implemented new method for weirs, culverts, and tide gates in SMS 13.4+ and improved summary output for those structures.
  • A few minor changes for compiling on Linux

Update 5.3.11 (08/19/2024)

  • Changed to alternate between recurring two hot start files.
  • Added folder to start holding test cases for Continuous Integration

Update 5.3.10 (07/16/2024)

  • Fix for an erroneous Save Point warning that was always written.
  • Implemented an extra file to store Save Point cards when there are more than 10 defined.
  • Improved status description updates for Culverts in CMS.
  • Added ERROR check for missing X/Y Origin cards in .cmcards file.

Update 5.3.9 (04/16/2024)

  • Fix for Dredge module diagnostic file not found.
  • Clarified some diagnostic output regarding simulation duration and computed residuals.
  • Fix for steering variable (NHV_str to NH_str) related to steering issue.

Update 5.3.8 (01/08/2024)

  • Update for internal path length for tidal database file locations.
  • Investigating an issue with internal mapping from UTM to Lat/Long in tidal database cases.
    • Use State Plane if possible.

Update (12/20/2023)

  • Began adding CF Compliant naming to HDF5 solution datasets (not yet implemented).
  • Incremented CMS-Wave version number to 3.3. The code was modified in 2021 but the number was not incremented.
  • Fix for Tidal boundaries where Offset used - it was doubling the offset.
  • First Open Source release - several files are modified/moved.
  • BugFix in Steering for ADCIRC tidal databases with waves.
  • BugFix for some tidal database forcing issues.

Update 5.3.6 (09/26/2023)

  • Minor fixes and diagnostic output improvements for Rubble Mound Jetties with SMS 13.3+.
  • Incorporate fixes for some explicit issues

Update 5.3.5 (09/08/2023)

  • Fix issues with Tidal Database operation with CMS. Improved screen output.
  • Fix issue with Grid Angle introduced with SMS 13.1.
  • Minor GFortran fixes for compiling on HPC/Linux with newer Gnu compiler.

Update 5.3.4 (05/16/2023)

  • Bug fix for missing zero output time in files when increment > 100 hours.
  • Added a warning if user-specified boundary angle was too different than internally calculated angle for that boundary.
  • Fix in CMS Wave GSR Solver to avoid an infinity in certain situations.

Update 5.3.3 (04/07/2023)

  • Split third-party code (spatial transformations) out as separate linkable libraries needed to Open Source CMS (still in process).
  • Implemented two new ADCIRC tidal databases (EC2015 and ENPAC2015).

Update 5.3.2 (08/11/2022)

  • Minor change to reading parameter file for Explicit scheme.
  • Bug fix when choosing multi-sediment with D35,D50,D90. Fixed array allocation error.
  • Bug fix in one lookup-table, 'bs_init' routine.
  • Bug fix in Tools (Option 4) when merging datasets written by SMS instead of CMS solution datasets.

Update 5.3.1 (07/07/2022)

  • Minor change to Weir Structure specification cards for future integration into SMS 13.x (possibly 13.2).
    • Add option to specify Cell IDs in the same manner as for Rubble Mound Jetties.
  • Updated the array upper limit for several CMS-Wave variables

Initial Release 5.3.0 (05/16/2022)

  • CMS 5.3 will be released with the upcoming release of SMS 13.2.
  • New feature in CMS 5.3 - C2SHORE sediment transport algorithm for use only when Waves and Flow are modeled together.

CMS 5.2 Update 19 (05/16/2023)

Merged Implict/Explicit CMS version Executables - Note: DLL included in zip file.

  • Released with SMS 13.1. Should work with SMS 13.0+.
  • 64 bit: (Only 64-bit available. If 32-bit needed, please contact us.)
Modifications since initial release of 5.2

Update 5.2.19 (05/16/2023)

  • Bug fix for missing zero output time in files when increment > 100 hours.
  • Fix in CMS Wave GSR Solver to avoid an infinity in certain situations.

Update 5.2.18 (04/29/2022)

  • Bug fix for DREDGE_RATE card in the dredging module. Was not reading units as it should according to documentation.
  • Bug fix for divide by zero in WVBRK_Inline.
  • Bug fix for using Initial Condition file outside the current working directory.
  • New card 'EXTEND_DURATION_RUN_FOR_HOTSTART' with value 'ON'|'OFF' has been added.
    • This will extend the selected DURATION_RUN by the time written in the IC File.
  • Minor - force user to associate datasets with their choice of Friction type (Manning's, BF, or Roughness Height)
  • Minor - added better diagnostic output for Dredge Rate showing both daily and per second rates.

Update 5.2.17 (03/29/2022)

  • Bug fix for Wave structures
  • Bug fix for Dredge/Placement where no cards exist between PLACEMENT_BEGIN and PLACEMENT_END statements.

Update 5.2.16 (02/25/2022)

  • Bug fix - Path was not being prepended to the wave file names, so if they weren't in the same directory, it failed.
  • Added new option to 'Tools' menu for merging datasets from multiple files into one solution file (XMDF).

Update 5.2.15 (01/12/2022)

  • Bug fix: Error while using Thickness datasets for bed layers
  • Bug fix: Variables not allocated when Tecplot output enabled.
  • Bug fix: Divide by zero in some situations during Bottom Friction routines.
  • Bug fix: Wave Date output in screen/diagnostic output. Changed to 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:ss UTC' format
  • Bug fix: Added a few extra initialization steps to Wave code
  • Bug fix: Divide by zero when calculating wall friction coefficient.
  • Minor: Added better diagnostic output for Avalanching repose angles too large.
  • Minor: Added extra line of output to screen and diagnostic output while Ramp is in effect with the percentage being applied.
  • Minor: Added extra code to ensure the acceptance of various versions of horizontal projection
i.e., NAD83, NAD_1983, NAD1983, NAD_1983_PA11, and so forth.

Update 5.2.13 (12/06/2021)

  • Minor: Modification to new CMS-Wave .std format for a few cards
    • New card is 'WV_ROLLER_EFFECT' and it takes the options: 'OFF', '25_PERCENT','50_PERCENT','75_PERCENT', and '100_PERCENT'
    • New card is 'WV_LIMIT_OBSERVATION_OUTPUT' to turn off optional output files when observation cells are specified.
    • For card 'WV_ENABLE_WIND', a new option exists - 'ON-LIMIT_WAVE_INFLATION'
    • For card 'WV_BREAKING_FORMULA', two new options exist - 'MICHE_ORIGINAL' and 'LIFTING_BREAKING'
    • Added capability to handle 'HORIZONTAL_PROJECTION' and 'VERTICAL_PROJECTION' blocks (skip over all lines)
    • Change options for WV_BOUNDARY_NESTING to "AVERAGE_SPECTRA" and "INVERSE_DISTANCE" instead of "LINEAR" and "MORPHIC"
  • Bug fix: Small fix for WV_NESTING_CELLS and WV_OBSERVATION_CELLS

Update 5.2.12 (11/15/2021)

  • Another Bug fix for reading new CMS-Wave cards, WV_NESTING_CELLS and WV_OBSERVATION_CELLS.
  • Minor change to License for CMS in preparation for making Open Source

Update 5.2.11 (11/08/2021)

  • Bug fix for reading new CMS-Wave cards, WV_NESTING_CELLS.
  • Minor changes for linux compilation and consistency.

Update 5.2.10 (10/26/2021)

  • An update to 'libiomp5md.dll' was needed (1897 KB) with date of 9/10/21.
  • Added new CMS-Wave input format for options file (.std) similar to how the Flow .cmcards file is written.
  • Added a new variable for user-definable gamma for the BATTJES-JANSSEN 1978 wave breaking formulation.
    • WV_SET_GAMMA_BJ78 is the new card to specify that value and works only for BATTJES-JANSSEN 1978.
  • Card IGNORE_BRK_RESTRICTION no longer needed to use any Wave Breaking criteria.

Update 5.2.9 (9/30/2021)

  • Added new option to 'Tools' menu for post-processing the CMS Water Elevation file to create a Maximum WSE file/dataset.
    • Works for both XMDF (*.h5) and ASCII (*.dat) files.

Update 5.2.7 (9/20/2021)

  • Minor: Added more diagnostic output for various types of Derivative Calculation routines.
  • Added output option to tell CMS to output maximum WSE values over simulation period for each cell.
    • new card name for this option is "MAXIMUM_WATER_LEVEL_OUTPUT" and takes 'ON' or 'OFF' as arguments.
    • Tested to work for Implicit with both XMDF and ASCII output files. TODO: Test for Explicit.

Update 5.2.6 (6/25/2021)

  • Bug fix: Fixed error if FALL_VELOCITY, CRITICAL_SHEAR, and COREY_SHAPE_FACTOR cards had no value.
  • Minor: Added descriptive print statements to structure types instead of an application error.
  • Minor: Added error message when the Wind file format is not an expected type.
  • Bug fix: Small fix unset the TELFILE name when a GRID_FILE of '.cart.' type is found.
  • Added function to parse through a cardfile looking for a specific card and returning the rest of the line.

Update 5.2.5 (6/10/2021)

  • Bug fix: Hot start with multiple sediment grain sizes was broken due to bad names in path to dataset.
  • Bug fix: Using ASCII input files wasn't working for salinity.
  • Bug fix: Small logic error in boundary condition corrected.
  • Bug fix: Corrected sign error which resulted in a sediment bed-change inconsistency
  • Bug fix: Initialization was missing for initial condition with ASCII input file for Vector data types.
  • Minor: Added capability to write out both XMDF and ASCII output files by using "OUTPUT_FILE_TYPE BOTH"
  • Minor: Ensured both cards for running CMS with initial conditions were excluded from a warning.
  • Minor: Removed fix for ILUTP solver which caused other issues.
  • Minor: Clearer error messages in reading from input files.
  • Added: Command line option 'Tools' to perform a few independent tasks.
    • Added two routines - one to convert an actual date to a REFTIME and one to do the reverse.

Update 5.2.4 (06/10/2021)

  • Bug fix: When using single wave condition, CMS now stores the grid name in a new variable for proper internal reference.
  • Bug fix: CMS now stores ADCIRC Parent grid and path information correctly for nesting.
  • Bug fix: Divide by zero during normalization of river flux boundaries corrected.
  • Bug fix: CMS was looking for a ZONE when Geographic coordinate system was specified.
  • Bug fix: CMS only recognized NAD83/NAD27/LOCAL for Datum. Modified to accept any of the other variants (NAD 1983, etc)
  • Bug fix: ADCIRC fort.64 file now uses -9.9999e+04 for dry cells instead of 0.0 m/s. CMS needed a small fix to read properly.
  • Bug fix: STARTING_JDATE uses a 2-digit year. Fixed logic to make years > 50 = 1900+yr and all other years 2000+yr. (change of 20 to 50)

Update 5.2.2 (09/04/2020)

  • Fix: Bug fix for divide by zero.
  • Fix: Correct behavior when checking isolated water cells. Output to screen instead of 'isolated.txt'.

CMS 5.1 Update 16 (02/21/2021)

Merged Implict/Explicit CMS version Executables

  • Released with SMS 13.0. Should work with SMS 12.3+.
  • 64 bit: (Only 64-bit available. If 32-bit needed, please contact us.)
Modifications since initial release of 5.1

Update 5.1.16 (02/21/2021)

  • Bug fix: STARTING_JDATE uses a 2-digit year. Fixed logic to make years > 50 = 1900+yr and all other years 2000+yr. (change of 20 to 50)

Update 5.1.15 (05/21/2020)

  • Change: Corrected screen output spelling in a few cases.
  • Change: Improved logic for reading input from keyboard while running from Command Prompt.
  • Comment: Last major change in this version before moving to 5.2 for release of SMS 13.1.

Update 5.1.14 (04/20/2020)

  • Bug fix: Avoid accessing unallocated array in some situations (boundaries.F90)
  • Change: Increased number of reflection cells allowed and consolidated this value between inline and stand-alone.
  • Change: Improved handling of Isolated ocean cells - output all values to a text file instead of showing only the first, then STOP.

Update 5.1.13 (01/07/2020)

  • Bug fix: CMCARDS was only able to read a maximum of 1000 lines. Anything else was ignored.
  • Change: Improved printing of information regarding Statistics process types.
  • New: Added the ability to put advanced cards into 'advanced.cmcards' for processing in desired.

Update 5.1.12 (10/25/2019)

  • Bug fix: Corrected display of Rubble Mound Structure cells in diagnostic output
  • Bug fix: Removed extra output file of Hard Bottom warning cells
  • Change: Increased the limit to the maximum number of save points from 255 to 1000. Added error messages.

Update 5.1.11 (09/10/2019)

  • Change: Moved all repository folders up one level, removing "Trunk" folder which was not needed.
  • Change: If any Unknown Cards are read from the parameter file, CMS gives the user a chance to stop and fix.
  • Change: Added __linux definition to CMake options.
  • Change: Output message when Boundary Cellstring is defined, but lacks cells (SMS issue)
  • Bug fix: Corrected infinite loop experienced in Linux during interpretation of command line arguments.
  • Bug fix: Fixed issue with d16/d50/d84 percentile allocatable array
  • Buf fix: Fixed issue with missing Hard Bottom Dataset
  • New Feature: Dredge Module is now available using ASCII input/output.

Update 5.1.10 (8/29/2019)

  • Change: Cleaned up the initial status section for screen and diagnostic file output.
  • Change: Added years to reoccurring report of elapsed time. CMS only outputs the time fields as needed.
  • Change: Updated instructions for CMake linux utility regarding include file changes.

Update 5.1.9 (08/27/2019)

  • Bug fix: Heatflux Windows vs Linux options and output.
  • Bug fix: Corrected issue with `atan2` operation in inline/standalone wave code.
  • Bug fix: Issue with reading in OWI formatted .win and .pre files.
  • Bug fix: Fixed issue with reading blank percentile datasets from SMS when using multiple grain sizes.
  • Change: Removed the requirement for the .xy file to be used with OWI wind format - still allowed if present.
  • Change: Modifications needed for Dredge Module and interface.
  • Change: Removed compile-time option for the Dredge Module.
  • Change: Eliminated need to change compile-time options depending on Linux or Windows machines.
  • Info: A few other minor modifications.

Update 5.1.8 (05/01/2019)

  • Bug fix: Needed to check that a boundary array was already allocated before an allocation in rare cases.
  • Bug fix: Implemented a fix for a rare 'divide by zero' error.
  • Bug fix: Hot Start divide by zero error corrected.
  • Bug fix: Issue with simplified multiple sediment transport definition thinking bed layer was already defined.
  • New feature: Implemented variable Morphology Acceleration Factor using a user-defined duration, MORPH_ACCEL_RAMP_DURATION.
  • New feature: Implemented a card, WRITE_ACCEL_RAMP_INFO, to write out the timing of the variable acceleration factor.
  • New feature: Implemented a command line argument, INLINE, to run the inline wave model instead of stand-alone.
  • New feature: Print header information for Dredge Module to normal location in CMS_DIAG.TXT file.
  • Info: Minor changes to screen and diag file output, eliminating duplicate information.
  • Info: Minor changes when outputting time information to include number of days.
  • Info: Implemented the function equivalents, toUpper and toLower, to the subroutines for converting case.

Update 5.1.7 (02/25/2019)

  • Bug fix: Read the friction file properly if using ASCII Input.
  • Change: Write the Wave Date out in a better format for screen text.
  • Bug fix: Resolved a file naming issue when full paths are specified on command line.
  • Change: Linux CMake now compiles with OpenMP for parallelization.

Update 5.1.6 (02/13/2019)

  • Update: Implemented input file changes for Weir and Rubble Mound Jetty structures to match the SMS 13.0+ menu interface design.
  • Bug fix: Resolved a few minor issues related to Explicit scheme with parallelization.
  • Bug fix: Resolved an issue with hot starting with waves not synchronizing to the right wave condition.
  • New feature: EXPLICIT_PRINT_INTERVAL allows user specified interval of time step output.
  • Change: Added an additional line of output text to two locations when Morphologic Acceleration Factor used.

Update 5.1.5 (10/30/2018)

  • New feature: Added Stand-alone wave code that is run when only wave input is specified. This version is basically identical to last stand-alone code.
    • Info: Diagnostic information about stand-alone wave parameters are written to screen and diagnostic file.

Update 5.1.4 (10/17/2018)

  • Info: Minor version and date changed. No code changes at all.

Update 5.1.3 (10/16/2018)

  • New feature: Updated Hot Start routines to work with ASCII input and output. Needs further testing.
    • Info: All ASCII Hot Start files are written to the subfolder "ASCII_HotStart"
  • Info: Some work still needs to be done to fully integrate some seldom-used datasets.

Update 5.1.2 (10/15/2018) [incorporating some developmental features from a non-versioned branch]

  • New feature: Added card (WRITE_ASCII_INPUT_FILES ON|OFF) to tell CMS to write out ASCII versions of all input
    • Info: All ASCII input files are written to the subfolder "ASCII_Input"
  • New feature: Added card (OUTPUT_FILE_TYPE XMDF|ASCII) to tell CMS to write only ASCII solutions
    • Info: All ASCII output/solutions are written to the subfolder "ASCII_Solutions"
    • Info: All ASCII Statistics files are written to the subfolder "Statistics"
  • Change: Updated internal wave code to latest version, 30 March 2018

Update 5.1.1 (10/15/2018)

  • Change: Added in CMS-Wave stand-alone (Mar 2018) for use when only waves are desired

CMS 5.0 Release 4 (04/24/2017)

Merged Implict/Explicit CMS version Executables - Note: Download both the executable and DLL

  • 32 bit:
  • 64 bit:
  • Released with SMS 12.1. Should work with SMS 11.2-12.2.

CMS 4.1 Release 51 (04/22/2015)

Implicit Only Flow model with Waves Executables - Note: Download both the executable and DLL

  • 32 bit:
  • 64 bit:

CMS 3.75 Release 7

Explicit-Only Flow model w/o Waves == Executables - Note: Download both the executable and DLL

  • 32 bit:
  • 64 bit:

Older CMS Releases

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