CMS Releases
- Extract the OpenMP DLL file from the zip, if needed. Note: you must have the DLL file in the same directory with executable.
- If running the CMS from the SMS, change the location and name of the CMS-Flow executable by clicking on "Edit" | "Preferences...", and then selecting the "File Locations" tab and then clicking on the box under the "Executables" column next to "CMS-Flow" box in the "Models" column. Enter the location and name of the executable and select "Open".
- Note: For security reasons, the CMS executables are available for downloaded in a zip file.
Terms and Licensing
The following files have been updated - 01/08/2024
Latest Version of CMS Releases
CMS 5.4 Initial Release (01/06/2025)
Merged Implict/Explicit CMS version Executables - Note: DLL included in zip file.
- To be released with SMS 13.4. Should work with SMS 13.0+.
- 64 bit: (Only 64-bit available)
Notes for initial release of 5.4 (01/06/2025)
- Initial release for SMS 13.4
- Includes new implementations for CMS-Flow structures (Culverts, Weirs, Tide Gates)
- Minor change to expected string for Uncontrolled gate schedule (was UCG, now UNCONTROLLED)
CMS 5.3 Update 12.1 (12/10/2024)
Merged Implict/Explicit CMS version Executables - Note: DLL included in zip file.
- Released with SMS 13.2. Should work with SMS 13.0+.
- 64 bit: (Only 64-bit available)
Update (12/10/2024)
- Bug fix for Wave model where Wind Speed equals to 0.0 in some situations.
Update 5.3.12 (11/07/2024)
- Added new card to hot start a simulation, 'HOT_START_SIMULATION'.
- Added error message when either ORIGIN_X/Y card is missing.
- Fixed an issue where the CMS-Wave .wav file cannot be written to multiple times in some situations.
- Implemented new method for weirs, culverts, and tide gates in SMS 13.4+ and improved summary output for those structures.
- A few minor changes for compiling on Linux
Update 5.3.11 (08/19/2024)
- Changed to alternate between recurring two hot start files.
- Added folder to start holding test cases for Continuous Integration
Update 5.3.10 (07/16/2024)
- Fix for an erroneous Save Point warning that was always written.
- Implemented an extra file to store Save Point cards when there are more than 10 defined.
- Improved status description updates for Culverts in CMS.
- Added ERROR check for missing X/Y Origin cards in .cmcards file.
Update 5.3.9 (04/16/2024)
- Fix for Dredge module diagnostic file not found.
- Clarified some diagnostic output regarding simulation duration and computed residuals.
- Fix for steering variable (NHV_str to NH_str) related to steering issue.
Update 5.3.8 (01/08/2024)
- Update for internal path length for tidal database file locations.
- Investigating an issue with internal mapping from UTM to Lat/Long in tidal database cases.
- Use State Plane if possible.
Update (12/20/2023)
- Began adding CF Compliant naming to HDF5 solution datasets (not yet implemented).
- Incremented CMS-Wave version number to 3.3. The code was modified in 2021 but the number was not incremented.
- Fix for Tidal boundaries where Offset used - it was doubling the offset.
- First Open Source release - several files are modified/moved.
- BugFix in Steering for ADCIRC tidal databases with waves.
- BugFix for some tidal database forcing issues.
Update 5.3.6 (09/26/2023)
- Minor fixes and diagnostic output improvements for Rubble Mound Jetties with SMS 13.3+.
- Incorporate fixes for some explicit issues
Update 5.3.5 (09/08/2023)
- Fix issues with Tidal Database operation with CMS. Improved screen output.
- Fix issue with Grid Angle introduced with SMS 13.1.
- Minor GFortran fixes for compiling on HPC/Linux with newer Gnu compiler.
Update 5.3.4 (05/16/2023)
- Bug fix for missing zero output time in files when increment > 100 hours.
- Added a warning if user-specified boundary angle was too different than internally calculated angle for that boundary.
- Fix in CMS Wave GSR Solver to avoid an infinity in certain situations.
Update 5.3.3 (04/07/2023)
- Split third-party code (spatial transformations) out as separate linkable libraries needed to Open Source CMS (still in process).
- Implemented two new ADCIRC tidal databases (EC2015 and ENPAC2015).
Update 5.3.2 (08/11/2022)
- Minor change to reading parameter file for Explicit scheme.
- Bug fix when choosing multi-sediment with D35,D50,D90. Fixed array allocation error.
- Bug fix in one lookup-table, 'bs_init' routine.
- Bug fix in Tools (Option 4) when merging datasets written by SMS instead of CMS solution datasets.
Update 5.3.1 (07/07/2022)
- Minor change to Weir Structure specification cards for future integration into SMS 13.x (possibly 13.2).
- Add option to specify Cell IDs in the same manner as for Rubble Mound Jetties.
- Updated the array upper limit for several CMS-Wave variables
Initial Release 5.3.0 (05/16/2022)
- CMS 5.3 will be released with the upcoming release of SMS 13.2.
- New feature in CMS 5.3 - C2SHORE sediment transport algorithm for use only when Waves and Flow are modeled together.
CMS 5.2 Update 19 (05/16/2023)
Merged Implict/Explicit CMS version Executables - Note: DLL included in zip file.
- Released with SMS 13.1. Should work with SMS 13.0+.
- 64 bit: (Only 64-bit available. If 32-bit needed, please contact us.)
CMS 5.1 Update 16 (02/21/2021)
Merged Implict/Explicit CMS version Executables
- Released with SMS 13.0. Should work with SMS 12.3+.
- 64 bit: (Only 64-bit available. If 32-bit needed, please contact us.)
CMS 5.0 Release 4 (04/24/2017)
Merged Implict/Explicit CMS version Executables - Note: Download both the executable and DLL
- 32 bit:
- 64 bit:
- Released with SMS 12.1. Should work with SMS 11.2-12.2.
CMS 4.1 Release 51 (04/22/2015)
Implicit Only Flow model with Waves Executables - Note: Download both the executable and DLL
- 32 bit:
- 64 bit:
CMS 3.75 Release 7
Explicit-Only Flow model w/o Waves == Executables - Note: Download both the executable and DLL
- 32 bit:
- 64 bit:
Older CMS Releases