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The governing equation of GenCade is primarily formed by conversion of sand volume. The assumption that the beach profile translates seaward or shoreward along a section of coast without changing shape. During an interval of time (Δt), a net amount of sand enters or leaves the section. The change in shoreline position is Δy, the length of the shoreline segment is Δx, and the profile moves within a vertical extent defined by the berm elevation DB and the closure depth DC, both measured from the vertical datum (for example, MSL or MLLW).

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The resulting change in volume along the four sides of the area is therefore calculated as:
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ΔV = ΔxΔy(DB+DC)
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If there is a difference between the net amount longshore sediment transport (Q, in m3/second), the volume changes. The contribution from a line source or sink is included as the term q, where q is the sum of the addition or removal of sand per unit width of beach from either the shoreward or offshore sides.
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<td style="color:#000;">The Coastal Inlets Research Program, or CIRP, advances the state of knowledge and develops engineering technology for predicting the waves, current, sediment transport, and morphology change at and around inlets. Products of the CIRP improve management and design of coastal inlets through increased reliability of actions and reduction in operation and maintenance costs. The CIRP takes a variety of approaches, including developing concepts and theory for all relevant time scales, numerical simulation, field data collection, and laboratory experimentation. Reports and peer-reviewed articles as found on this web site provide the information gained from the CIRP to the Corps, scientific community, and public.
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<td style="color: white;"><b>HQ USACE Navigation Business Line Manager</b><br /> Tiffany Burroughs (HQ)
<td style="background: #D99A6C;"><b>Technical Director, Navigation R&amp;D</b><br />Eddie Wiggins (CHL)
<td style="background: #A1CAF1;"><b>CIRP Program Manager</b><br />Tanya Beck, PhD (CHL) -
<td style="background: #FFE4C4;"><b>Associate Technical Director, Navigation R&amp;D</b><br />Katherine Brutsché, PhD (CHL)
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<td style="color:#000;">The CIRP Wiki is an online help database for CIRP information/publications and CMS modeling software. This wiki is meant to be a main resource for CMS users.  For any Wiki issues, please contact <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external text" href="mailto://">Mitchell Brown</a>.
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ΔV = ΔxΔy(DB+DC) = (ΔQ/Δx)ΔxΔt +qΔxΔt
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As Δt goes to zero, a differential equation is produced that is the governing equation for the rate of change of the shoreline position:
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δy/δt + (1/(DB+DC)) * (δQ/δx - q) = 0

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This equation is solved with the inputs of boundary conditions and values for Q, q, DB and DC given.
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Revision as of 21:00, 19 December 2022

The governing equation of GenCade is primarily formed by conversion of sand volume. The assumption that the beach profile translates seaward or shoreward along a section of coast without changing shape. During an interval of time (Δt), a net amount of sand enters or leaves the section. The change in shoreline position is Δy, the length of the shoreline segment is Δx, and the profile moves within a vertical extent defined by the berm elevation DB and the closure depth DC, both measured from the vertical datum (for example, MSL or MLLW).

The resulting change in volume along the four sides of the area is therefore calculated as:

ΔV = ΔxΔy(DB+DC)

If there is a difference between the net amount longshore sediment transport (Q, in m3/second), the volume changes. The contribution from a line source or sink is included as the term q, where q is the sum of the addition or removal of sand per unit width of beach from either the shoreward or offshore sides.


ΔV = ΔxΔy(DB+DC) = (ΔQ/Δx)ΔxΔt +qΔxΔt

As Δt goes to zero, a differential equation is produced that is the governing equation for the rate of change of the shoreline position:

δy/δt + (1/(DB+DC)) * (δQ/δx - q) = 0

This equation is solved with the inputs of boundary conditions and values for Q, q, DB and DC given.