GenCade Parameters

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Name Type/Information Value(s)/Format

Input Files

Projectname.gen GenCade control file
Projectname.shi Initial shoreline file
Projectname.shr Regional contour file
Projectname.shdx Variable grid resolution file
Projectname.wl Water level file

Projectname_wave2.wave, etc.

Wave information file

Output Files

Projectname.prt Print file
Projectname.slo Calculated shorelines at specified output times
Projectname.qtr Calculated inlet shoal volumes Calculated offshore contour
Projectname.mqn Calculated mean net annual transport
Projectname.mql Calculated mean annual transport rate to left
Projectname.mqr Calculated mean annual transport rate to right


Inlet shoal volumes file

Parameters and Input Cards

TITLE Title of simulation run
INIFILE Path and name of initial shoreline file
REGFILE Path and name of regional shoreline file
NUMWAVES Number of wave input locations / files
WAVEID Cell ID; Depth; number of wave events; file path/name of wave input data
PRFILE Path and name of printed output file
GENUNITS System of units for model I/O
X0,Y0 x-origin of grid, y-origin of grid
AZIMUTH Angle of the grid rotation about origin
NX Number of alongshore grid cells
DX Cell resolution; -1 indicates variable resolution
SIMDATS Simulation start date YYYYMMDD
SIMDATE Simulation end date YYYYMMDD
DT Model time step in hours
DTSAVE Recorded model time step in hours
K1 Longshore sand transport calibration coefficient 0.1<K1<1
K2 Longshore sand transport calibration coefficient 0.5K1<K2<1.5K1
PRTOUT Output to PRFILE yes (t), no (f)
PRWARN Print warnings yes (t), no (f)
PRDATE Dates to save simulated shoreline
ISMOOTH Size of the offshore smoothing window 1 to N
IREG Include regional contour yes = 1, no = 0
HAMP Height amplification factor
THETAAMP Angle amplification factor
THETADEL Angle offset
D50 Medium sediment grain size
BERMHT Berm height
DCLOS Depth of closure
LBCTYPE, RBCTYPE Left and right boundary condition type 0 = pinned

1 = gated

3 = moving

LMOVY, RMOVY Shoreline displacement at left and right moving boundary
LMOVPER, RMOVPER Shoreline displacement time step at left and right moving boundary 1 = per simulation

2 = per day

3 = per time step

LGROINY, RGROINY Length of groin from shoreline to seaward tip for left and right gated boundary
ISWBEG, ISWEND Beginning and ending grid cell for seawall
SWY1, SWY2 Distance from grid baseline for beginning and ending grid cells for seawall
BFDATS Date beach fill begun YYYYMMDD
BFDATE Date beach fill completed YYYYMMDD
IBFS, IBFE Grid cell number of starting and ending beach fill location
YADD Amount of shoreline advance (advance of berm)
IXDG Grid cell number of diffracting jetty or groin
IXNDG Grid cell number of nondiffracting jetty or groin
YDG Length of diffracting jetty or groin
YNDG Length of nondiffracting jetty or groin
PDG Permeability of diffracting jetty or groin 0-1
PNDG Permeability of nondiffracting jetty or groin 0-1
DDG Seaward depth of diffracting jetty or groin
IINLS, IINLE Beginning and ending grid cell number of inlet
IBYPL1, IBYPL2 Beginning and ending grid cell number of left bypassing
IBYPR1, IBYPR2 Beginning and ending grid cell number of right bypassing
VVSE Initial ebb shoal volume
VVSF Initial flood shoal volume
VVSBL Initial left bypassing bar
VVSBR Initial right bypassing bar
VVSAL Initial left attachment bar
VVSAR Initial right attachment bar
VVSEQ Equilibrium ebb shoal volume
VVSFQ Equilibrium flood shoal volume
VVSBQL Equilibrium left bypassing bar
VVSBQR Equilibrium right bypassing bar
VVSAQL Equilibrium left attachment bar
VVSAQR Equilibrium right attachment bar
YINLL, YINLR Left and right bypassing coefficients Greater than 0
IMOR Shoal to be dredged 1 = Left attachment

2 = Left bypass

3 = Ebb shoal

4 = Flood shoal

5 = Right bypass

6 = Right attachment

IDREDS Beginning date of dredging event YYYYMMDD
IDREDE Ending date of dredging event YYYYMMDD
DRDAY Number of days of dredging event
DREDV Volume to be dredged


Connell, K. J. and N.C. Kraus. 2006. Cascade Version 1: User's Guide. ERDC-TN-SWWRP-06-7. Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center.

Gravens, M.B., N.C. Kraus, and H. Hanson. 1991. GENESIS: Generalized Model for Simulating Shoreline Change, Report 2 Workbook and System User's Manual. Technical Report CERC-89-19. Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.

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