Quick Response Toolbox: Step 8 - Calculate Volume Change Above MHW Shoreline

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A screenshot of the ArcPro geoprocessing panel for Step 8. The "Before Volume Above Shoreline" and "After Volume Above Shoreline" inputs allow the user to specify a file from either a drop down menu or from the file explorer. The "Output Volume" input allows the user to enter file locations as text or select from the file explorer.
Step 8, Calculate Volume Change Above Shoreline

Summary: This tool calculates the difference between before and after volumes above MHW quantified in Step 7

Before Volume Above Shoreline: Output volume from Step 7 for the ‘before’ volume above shoreline.

After Volume Above Shoreline: Output volume from Step 7 for the ‘after’ volume above shoreline.

Output Volume: Feature class where the volume above MHW change will be written. The output file name will be “User-defined project name” + “_date_” + “MHWVolDiff”.

Best Practices & Example Data: 1. The shorelines from this tool may require manual editing to delete contour lines that are not shoreline data. For smoothing tolerance, a value of 20 meters is typically effective and is the default value within the tool.

Figure 10 below displays Volume Change Above MHW output for Homer, AK 2019 example data. Symbology is edited to display volume attribute. When the output from this step is loaded into the map the user may wish to alter the symbology. Below the data is symbolized based on the “dMHW_Vol” attribute.

A map view of the volume difference above MHW polygons visualized by net volume in cubic meters. The bins show blue for accretion above MHW and red for erosion above MHW. This is a zoomed in extent to the center of the study coast. The magnitudes for both accretion is larger but the extent shown is a majority erosional bins.
Figure 10: Difference Volume Results from Step 8 at Homer, AK

Useful Links

JALBTCX Main Documentation Page

Refences: Quick Response Toolbox