Quick Response Toolbox: Step 9 - Calculate Shoreline Change

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A screenshot of the ArcPro geoprocessing panel for Step 9. The "Transects", "Before Shoreline", and "After Shoreline" inputs allow the user to select the files from a dropdown menu or the file explorer. The "Multiple Intersection" input allows user to select the desired input from a dropdown men. The "Output Shoreline Change" allows the user to enter the desired file location as a text path or select from the file explorer.
Step 9: Calculate Shoreline Change

Summary: This step quantifies shoreline change between the ‘before’ and ‘after’ shorelines by quantifying the linear distance between shoreline points along each transect.

Transects: Transects created in Step 1.

Before Shoreline: Shoreline for the ‘before’ raster year created in Step 5.

After Shoreline: Shoreline for the ‘after’ raster year created in Step 5.

Multiple Intersection: In the case of a shoreline intersecting a transect at multiple locations, such as in complex areas of shoreline where high sand bars, structures, or beach shape exist at specified elevation, this selection indicates whether to keep the landward or seaward intersection.

Output Shoreline Change: Desired name and file path for the project. The output file name and location will be User-defined.

Best Practices & Example Data:

Figure 11 below displays shoreline change output for Homer, AK example data. Negative values indicate shoreline recession.

A map view of the shoreline change points along the coast of the study area (A) and a zoomed in view near the center (B). Shoreline change values are visualized with recession in yellow and accretion in red. Magnitudes for recession are much larger though accretion is prevalent along the Homer Spit to the east.
Figure 11: Shoreline change output for Homer, AK example data. (B) displays the zoomed area of (A) to show individual change points.

Useful Links

JALBTCX Main Documentation Page

Refences: Quick Response Toolbox