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Appendix A: CMS-Wave Input File Formats

There are ten input files associated with CMS-Wave. Four of them are required:

  • simulation (*.sim)
  • options (*.std)
  • depth (*.dep)
  • energy (*.eng)

and six others are optional:

  • water level (*.eta)
  • current (*.cur)
  • structure (*.struct)
  • bottom friction coefficient file (friction.dat)
  • forward reflection coefficient file (forward.dat)
  • backward reflection coefficient file (backward.dat)

File formats are described as follows.

Simulation file: *.sim: A sample simulation file is shown below:

CMS-Wave 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

The first line contains the keyword "CMS-Wave" to indicate the Wave simulation is under CMS-Wave. This line of the file also contains the world origin (x, y) and rotation (measured CCW from east to the local I or x-axis) of the grid. SlopeBeach.nst is the optional output spectrum file for input to a nested child grid simulation.

Settings file: *.std: An example settings file is shown below:

1 0 2 1 3 0 0 1 1 0 1.00 0.005 0.500 0.300 2

1 3

2 2

3 3

The first line lists of 15 numbers, each number in the setting file defines a setting or option parameter for the run. The first six parameters (iprp, icur, ibrk, irs, kout, ibnd) are the same as defined for STWAVE Version 5.4. The next nine parameters (iwet, ibf, iark, iarkr, akap, bf, ark, arkr, iwvbk) are provided for special features of CMS-Wave. For example, the first number (iprp = 1) specified that a wave spectrum is provided at the offshore boundary and the wind effect is not calculated even it is provided in the spectrum input file (*.eng). The next three lines in the example settings file list the (x, y) indices for three special output locations (kout = 3).

CMS-Wave can also read the *.std in a card format. A sample card format file, containing the same info in the above example, is given below:

0 !icur - 0: no action, 1: read current input file
2 !ibrk - 0: no action, 1: output breaker index, 2: save wave dissipation file
1 !irs - 0: no action, 1: save wave radiation file
3 !kout - 0: no action, n: save special n-location file
0 !ibnd - 0: no action, 1: linear interpolation of boundary wave input, 2: morphic
0 !iwet - 0: include water level input, 1: neglect water level input
1 !iprp - 0: include wind-wave generation, 1: wave propagation only
1 !ibf - 0: neglect bottom friction, 1: const Cf, 2: varied Cf, 3: const n, 4: varied n

0.005 !bf – a constant global bottom friction coef

2 !iwvbk – wave breaking formula 0: Extended Goda, 1: Extended Miche, 2: B&J 3:K&C
1 !iark - 0: no forward reflection, 1: with forward reflection
0.5 !ark – a constant global forward reflection coef (between 0 and 1)
0 !iarkr - 0: no backward reflection, 1: with backward reflection
0.3 !arkr –a constant global backward reflection coef (between 0 and 1)
1. !akap – a constant diffraction intensity (between 0 and 4)
  1 3
  2 2
  3 3

Each card describes a single setting parameter. The list of cards is not required in sequential orders. Blank lines between cards are permitted. If any parameter is omitted, a default value is then applied.

Depth file: *.dep: A sample depth file is shown:

3 6 100.00 200.00
9.79375 9.65625 7.51875 3.38125 1.24375
7.41875 5.28125 3.14375 1.00625 -0.86875
7.04375 4.90625 2.76875 -0.63125 -1.49375

The first line contains the number of rows (=3), columns and (=6) the size of cells in the x and y directions (100 and 200 m in the example). Depth values are then specified for each cell in the row-to-row order (from top row to bottom row in the model domain).

Energy file: *.eng: A portion of a sample energy file is shown:

30 35
0.040 0.050 0.060 0.070 0.080 0.090 0.100 0.110
0.120 0.130 0.140 0.150 0.160 0.170 0.180 0.190
0.200 0.210 0.220 0.230 0.240 0.250 0.260 0.270
0.280 0.290 0.300 0.310 0.320 0.330
08010100 5.00 10.00 0.130 0.500
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.00000 0.02000 0.13000 0.25000


The first line defines the dimension of the spectral grid (number of frequency bins and number of direction bins in a half plane). The next several lines define the frequency values for the grid. Following the grid specification, the file includes a definition line for each directional spectrum consisting of an identifier (08010100 in the example), wind speed (m/sec) and wind direction (deg) for this spectrum (5 m/sec and 10 deg in this sample case), a spectral peak frequency (0.13 Hz in the example), a tidal offset (0.5 m above the model mean water level), and then an energy density (m2 sec/radian) for each cell in the spectral grid.

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