Wave NoCards

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The *.std has a maximum of 25 parameters - the first 15 parameters are more the basic ones as described in the CMS-Wave Technical Report (CHL-TR-08-13) while the remaining 10 parameters are relatively new for advanced CMS-Wave features.

Table 1. CMS-Wave parameters in STD file

Number Variable Argument Type Options/Range Description
1 iprp INTEGER 0 - waves and wind input in *.eng
1 - waves only, neglect wind input in *.eng
-1 - fast mode (wind and spectra)
-2 - fast mode with spectra only.
Wave propagation mode.
2 icur INTEGER 0 - no current input
1 - with current input *.cur
2 -with *.cur, use only the 1st set current data
Current interaction
3 ibk INTEGER 0 - no wave breaking output
1 - output breaking indices
2 - output energy dissipation rate
Wave breaking output option
4 irs INTEGER 0 - no wave radiation stress calculation or output
1 - calculate and output radiation stresses
2 - calculate and output radiation stresses plus setup/max-water-level
Radiation stress and runup options.
5 kout INTEGER >= 0 Number of special wave output location, output spectrum in *.obs

and parameters in selhts.out

6 ibnd INTEGER 0 - no input a parent spectrum *.nst
1 - read *.nst, averaging input spectrum
2 - read *.nst, spatially variable spectrum input
Nesting option.
7 iwet INTEGER 0 - allow wet/dry, default
1 - without wet/dry
-1 allow wet/dry, output swell and local sea files
Wetting and drying options.
8 ibf INTEGER 0 - no bottom friction calc
1 - constant Darcy-Weisbach coef, c_f
2 -read variable c_f file, *.fric
3 - constant Mannings n
4 - read variable Mannings n file, *.fric
Bottom friction option.
9 iark INTEGER 0 - without forward reflection
1 - with forward reflection
Forward reflection option.
10 iarkr INTEGER 0 - without backward reflection,
1 - with backward reflection
backward reflection option.
11 akap REAL 0.0<=akap<=4.0 Diffraction intensity coefficient.
12 bf REAL >=0 constant bottom friction coef c_f or n

(typical value is 0.005 for c_f and 0.025 for Mannings n)

13 ark REAL 0.0<=ark<=1.0 Constant forward reflection coef, global specification
(0 for zero reflection, 1 for full reflection).
14 arkr REAL 0.0<=arkr<=1.0 Constant backward reflection coef, global specification
(0 for zero reflection, 1 for full reflection)
15 iwvbk INTEGER 0 - Goda-extended
1 - Miche-extended
2 - Battjes and Janssen
3 - Chawla and Kirby)
Option for the primary wave breaking formula.

The remaining variables may or may not be specified in the .std file in the original format.

Number Variable Argument Type Options/Range Description
16 nonln INTEGER 0 - none, default
1 - nonlinear wave-wave interaction
Nonlinear wave-wave interaction
17 igrav INTEGER 0 - none, default
1 - infra-gravity wave enter inlets
Infragravity waves option.
18 irunup INTEGER 0 - none, default
1 - automatic, runup relative to absolute datum
2 - automatic, runup relative to updated MWL
Runup option.
19 imud INTEGER 0 - Mud dissipation on, default
1 - none
Mud dissipation option. The kinematic viscosity is specified in mud.dat in units of m2/sec
20 iwnd INTEGER 0 - Spatially variable wind on, default
1 - None
Spatially variable wind field option. The winds are specified in wind.dat in units of m/s
and in the reference frame of the CMS-Wave grid
21 isolv INTEGER 0 - GSR solver, default
1 - ADI
Matrix solver for CMS-Wave.
22 ixmdf INTEGER 0 - output ascii, default
1 - output xmdf
XMDF input and output options.
23 iproc INTEGER >=0 Number of threads for parallel computing. Optimum number is approximately
equal to the total row number divided by 300. Only for isolv = 0.
24 iview INTEGER 0 - half-plane, default
1 - full-plane
2 - full-plane with reverse spectra
Half-plane/full-plane option. users can provide additional input wave
spectrum file wave.spc (same format as the *.eng) along the opposite side

boundary an imaginary origin for wave.spc at the opposite corner; users
can rotate the CMS-Wave grid by 180 deg in SMS to generate this wave.spc

25 iroll INTEGER 0 - disable Roller, default
1,2,3,4 - enabled with increasing effectiveness
Valid in the surf zone in cell with resolution <= 10 m

Among these 24 parameters in *.std, the first 6 parameters are always required in CMS-Wave and the remaining ones starting any parameter after the 6th will be assigned to the default values if not provided in the *.std. The more specific use and options associated with each of these 1st to 24th parameters are given below.

  • Full-plane – In this mode, CMS-Wave performs two half-plane runs in the same grid. The first

run is in the half-plane with the principle wave direction toward the shore. The second run is in the seaward half-plane. Upon the completion of the second run, two half-plane results are combined to one full-plane solution. Because the run time for the full-plane is approximately twice of the regular half-plane, users shall consider the full-plane mode only if the full-plane features like wave generation and propagation in a bay or around an island. An example is to run the Shark River wave case, 2009.sim, in the full plane (modify 2009.std).

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