Quick Response Toolbox: Step 3c - Clip Surface Grid to Segment

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A screenshot of the ArcPro geoprocessing panel for Step 3c. The "Surface Grid" input allows the user to select the file from a dropdown menu or the file explorer. The "Clip Mask" and "Output Geodatabase" allow the user to enter file locations as text or select from the file explorer. The "Project Name" input is a text input which must start with letters.
Step 3c: Clip Surface Grid to Segment. Red stars indicate required fields.

Summary: This optional script clips before and after DEMs to the clip mask. This can be used to reduce the file size of the difference grid

Surface Grid: Surface grid created in Step 3. One run takes the ‘before’ surface grid and the second takes the ‘after’ surface grid.

Clip Mask: Clip mask created in Step 2.

Output Geodatabase: : Full file path, including name and file extension, of the desired output geodatabase.

Project Name: : Desired name for the project. All outputs file names will start with this user defined project name.

Useful Links

JALBTCX Main Documentation Page

References: Quick Response