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  • 17:18, 21 January 2025CMS/Hard Bottom (hist | edit) ‎[7,245 bytes]Rdchlmeb (talk | contribs) (Created page with "There are a couple of ways to provide hard bottom dataset information for a CMS-Flow grid. ==All versions of SMS== A capability to manually edit the hard bottom dataset exists. The user can make the Hard Bottom dataset active and then select a cell (or group of cells), then changing the scalar (S) value in the Edit Window. Sometimes, the user may wish to make decisions for hard bottom values for larger groups of cells. Hand editing (as mentioned above) is crude and ma...")
  • 16:33, 21 January 2025SMS (hist | edit) ‎[4,683 bytes]Rdchlmeb (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=What Is SMS?= SMS (Surface-water Modeling System) is a complete program for building and simulating surface water models. It is a graphical user interface and analysis tool that allows engineers and scientists to visualize, manipulate, analyze, and understand numerical data and associated measurements. Many of the tools in SMS are generic. They are designed to facilitate the establishment and operation of numerical models of rivers, coasts, inlets, bays, estuaries, and...")
  • 21:15, 11 December 2024JALBTCX/QRReferences (hist | edit) ‎[1,507 bytes]Rdchlaje (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{DISPLAYTITLE: Quick Response: References}} Dunkin, l. M., E. R. Eismann, M. A. Hartman, and J. M. Wozencraft. Seamless Integration of Lidar-Derived Volume and Geomorphic Features into the Sediment Budget Analysis System. ERDC/ TN RSM-20-04. Vicksburg, MS: US Army Engineer Research and Development Center. Eisemann, Eve & Dunkin, Lauren & Hartman, Michael & Wozencraft, Jennifer. (2019). “JALBTCX/NCMP emergency-response airborne Lidar coastal mapping & quick response...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
  • 21:12, 11 December 2024JALBTCX/QRAttributes (hist | edit) ‎[1,693 bytes]Rdchlaje (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''The following table displays the attribute table field definitions from the CERI table as created in Step 2a.''' {{DISPLAYTITLE:Profile Feature Extraction: CERI Attribute Table Definitions}} {| class="wikitable" | colspan="5" |'''Fields Created via Step 4''' |- |'''Column Alias''' |'''Column Definition''' | |'''Column Alias''' |'''Column Definition''' |- |binArea |Area of analysis bin | |dDensity |Difference density (dVol / bin width) |- |covArea |area of raster...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
  • 20:33, 11 December 2024JALBTCX/QRStep11 (hist | edit) ‎[1,770 bytes]Rdchlaje (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{DISPLAYTITLE:Quick Response Toolbox: Step 11 - Summarize Table}} thumb|right|alt=A screenshot of the ArcPro geoprocessing panel for Step 11. The "Change Table" input allows the user to select the file from a dropdown menu or the file explorer. The "Start Transect Number" and "End Transect Number" inputs require the user to enter a transect number in the text box.|Step 11: Summarize Table '''Summary:''' This step generates an ArcPro tool read ou...") Tag: Visual edit: Switched
  • 20:23, 11 December 2024JALBTCX/QRStep10 (hist | edit) ‎[1,549 bytes]Rdchlaje (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{DISPLAYTITLE:Quick Response Toolbox: Step 10 - Generate Change Table}} File:QR Step10.jpg|thumb|right|alt=A screenshot of the ArcPro geoprocessing panel for Step 10. The "Transects", "Difference Volume Table", "Difference Volume Above Shoreline", and "Shoreline Change" inputs allow the user to select the files from a dropdown menu or the file explorer. The "Change Table" allows the user to enter the desired file location as a text path or select from the file explor...")
  • 20:16, 11 December 2024JALBTCX/QRStep9 (hist | edit) ‎[2,277 bytes]Rdchlaje (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{DISPLAYTITLE:Quick Response Toolbox: Step 9 - Calculate Shoreline Change}} File:QR Step9.jpg|thumb|right|alt=A screenshot of the ArcPro geoprocessing panel for Step 9. The "Transects", "Before Shoreline", and "After Shoreline" inputs allow the user to select the files from a dropdown menu or the file explorer. The "Multiple Intersection" input allows user to select the desired input from a dropdown men. The "Output Shoreline Change" allows the user to enter the desi...")
  • 00:22, 11 December 2024JALBTCX/QRStep8 (hist | edit) ‎[2,237 bytes]Rdchlaje (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{DISPLAYTITLE:Quick Response Toolbox: Step 8 - Calculate Volume Change Above MHW Shoreline}} File:QR Step8.jpg|thumb|right|alt=A screenshot of the ArcPro geoprocessing panel for Step 8. The "Before Volume Above Shoreline" and "After Volume Above Shoreline" inputs allow the user to specify a file from either a drop down menu or from the file explorer. The "Output Volume" input allows the user to enter file locations as text or select from the file explorer.|Step 8, Ca...")
  • 23:47, 10 December 2024JALBTCX/QRStep7 (hist | edit) ‎[3,043 bytes]Rdchlaje (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{DISPLAYTITLE:Quick Response Toolbox: Step 7 - Calculate Volume Above Shoreline}} File:QR Step7.jpg|thumb|right|alt=A screenshot of the ArcPro geoprocessing panel for Step 7. The "Raster(s)" input allows the user to select the file from a dropdown menu or the file explorer. The "Vertical Unit of Input Raster" allows user to select appropriate units from a drop down menu. The "Transect Mask" allows the user to enter file locations as text or select from the file explo...")
  • 21:57, 10 December 2024JALBTCX/QRStep6 (hist | edit) ‎[931 bytes]Rdchlaje (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{DISPLAYTITLE:Quick Response Toolbox: Step 6 - Label with Shoreline Elevation}} thumb|right|alt=A screenshot of the ArcPro geoprocessing panel for Step 6. The "Unput Transects", "Input Transect Mask", and "Input Shoreline" inputs allow the user to select the files from a dropdown menu or the file explorer.|Step 6: Label with Shoreline Elevation '''Summary:''' This step adds the “MHW” field name to the transect fields. If the MHW value does not...")
  • 21:51, 10 December 2024JALBTCX/QRStep5 (hist | edit) ‎[3,105 bytes]Rdchlaje (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{DISPLAYTITLE:Quick Response Toolbox: Step 5 - Generate Shoreline}} File:QR Step5.jpg|thumb|right|alt=A screenshot of the ArcPro geoprocessing panel for Step 5. The "Raster Layers" input allows the user to select the file from a dropdown menu or the file explorer. The "Raster Date" input is a text box which requires the input be Year, Month, then Date with no spaces or punctuation (YYYYMMDD). The "Contour Elevation" input requires the user to enter a text value (numer...")
  • 20:58, 10 December 2024JALBTCX/QRStep4 (hist | edit) ‎[3,619 bytes]Rdchlaje (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{DISPLAYTITLE:Quick Response Toolbox: Step 4 - Volume by Zonal Statistics}} File:QR Step4.jpg|thumb|right|alt=A screenshot of the ArcPro geoprocessing panel for Step 4. The "Difference Grid" input allows the user to select the file from a dropdown menu or the file explorer. The "Before Raster Date" and "After Raster Date" inputs are text boxes which require the input be Year, Month, then Date with no spaces or punctuation (YYYYMMDD). The "Vertical Unit of Input Raster...")
  • 20:43, 10 December 2024JALBTCX/QRStep3c (hist | edit) ‎[1,288 bytes]Rdchlaje (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{DISPLAYTITLE:Quick Response Toolbox: Step 3c - Clip Surface Grid to Segment}} File:QR Step3c.jpg|thumb|right|alt=A screenshot of the ArcPro geoprocessing panel for Step 3c. The "Surface Grid" input allows the user to select the file from a dropdown menu or the file explorer. The "Clip Mask" and "Output Geodatabase" allow the user to enter file locations as text or select from the file explorer. The "Project Name" input is a text input which must start with letters.|S...")
  • 20:34, 10 December 2024JALBTCX/QRStep3b (hist | edit) ‎[1,714 bytes]Rdchlaje (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{DISPLAYTITLE:Quick Response Toolbox: Step 3b - Clip Difference Grid to Segment}} File:QR Step3b.jpg|thumb|right|alt=A screenshot of the ArcPro geoprocessing panel for Step 3b. The "Difference Grid" input allows the user to select the file from a dropdown menu or the file explorer. The "Before Raster Label" and "After Raster Label" inputs are text boxes (strings). The "Clip Mask" and "Output Geodatabase" allow the user to enter file locations as text or select from...")
  • 22:12, 9 December 2024JALBTCX/QRStep3 (hist | edit) ‎[3,114 bytes]Rdchlaje (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{DISPLAYTITLE:Quick Response Toolbox: Step 3 - Generate Difference Grid by Clip Mask}} File:QR Step3.jpg|thumb|right|alt=A screenshot of the ArcPro geoprocessing panel for Step 3. The "Before Raster(s)" and "After Raster(s)" allow the user to select the inputs from a drop down menu or the file explorer. "Before Raster Label" and "After Raster Label" are text inputs (strings). The "Clip Mask" and "Output Geodatabase" allow the user to enter file locations as text or se...")
  • 21:59, 9 December 2024JALBTCX/QRStep2 (hist | edit) ‎[3,088 bytes]Rdchlaje (talk | contribs) (Step 2 of the JALBTCX Quick Response Toolbox)
  • 19:43, 9 December 2024JALBTCX/QR Getting Started (hist | edit) ‎[2,803 bytes]Rdchlaje (talk | contribs) (Added page and information for "getting started" with the QR toolbox)
  • 19:23, 9 December 2024JALBTCX/QRBackground (hist | edit) ‎[5,516 bytes]Rdchlaje (talk | contribs) (Added background and overview page and information for QR toolbox)
  • 15:05, 30 October 2024CMS-Wave/Structures v2 (hist | edit) ‎[6,434 bytes]Rdchlmeb (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{DISPLAYTITLE:CMS-Wave Structures for SMS 13.2 and later}} {{TOC right}} For each of these test cases, we take a simple 20x20 square cartesian grid with non-variable resolution. The bathymetry is constant 3 meters deep except for the center 4x4 selection of cells which have an elevation of 1 meter. It is these center 4x4 selection of cells which will vary for each of the different structure types in some fashion. A link to the input files is available in each section...")
  • 20:21, 28 October 2024CMS-Wave/Structures v1 (hist | edit) ‎[6,078 bytes]Rdchlmeb (talk | contribs) (Created page with "A Simple Square-structure Example for the following types. Click the link for input files specific to that type. * No structure modifications * Bathymetry modification * Floating Breakwater * Highly-permeable Breakwater * Semi-permeable Breakwater * Rubble Mound * Runup * Wall Breakwater = No Structure (default) = Image of the model bathymetry. File:Square-structure.png|300px|alt=Simple bathymetry shown with '''NO''' structures indicated.|Simple bathymetry shown with...")
  • 19:38, 28 October 2024CMS-Wave Structures (hist | edit) ‎[565 bytes]Rdchlmeb (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Similar to CMS-Flow, CMS-Wave can operate with a few different structures. There have been two different implementations of how to reproduce these structures within the SMS interface: * SMS 13.2 and previous * SMS 13.3 and later Click one of the links above to see pages specific to those different structure implementations. Each page for the SMS versions will have links to a set of files available for download that...")